One of those days

Today is just that. Pretty disappointing. You know the day is going to be a shitty from the moment you rolled out of bed? It was one of those. I should have known better but I ignored it. As do most of us.

I woke up not in the best moods. I was aware of that. I tried to make the best of it and tried my hardest not to ruin anyone else’s day. I did well but it didn’t make my day any better. I’ve learned that when I am in one of these moods, it’s best not to say much and keep a fair distance from others. I’m getting better at it. Sometimes, it does get the best of me. Today,  I held it together until I got home from my outing.

I went about my business. My cousin’s picked me up to go get our Mewtwos. So far so good. It all went downhill when I didn’t get said Pokemon. After the raid, we got Starbucks. We were at a Target after all. I got a venti of some new drink that I ended up throwing out because I didn’t enjoy it like I thought I would. When I get new drinks I should get a small or tall. I should know better. Anyways, by now, two things didn’t go the way I wanted it to. We headed down by the water…ONLY for me to realize that my bag, which is a bumblebee, lost one of it’s wings. I backtracked to the car and nothing. I don’t know where I lost the wing but still have to check the apartment. We had stopped at home for the bathroom and drop off one of the cars. Maybe it’s there…?

Came home, I didn’t find it. Must have dropped it at Target. Everyone said the wing was still attached to the bag when we left Target, but I’m starting to doubt it at this point. It had to have fallen off then because it’s no where else. I would just like to say that I really liked this bag. This was the cherry on the top. It might not sound like much and you’d probably tell me I’m being ridiculous  but I feel differently. I really, really liked this bag. I purchased the bag from a Marshall’s. If you’ve ever shopped from there you know that if you don’t get something that you like, you’ll probably won’t see it again at the store. When this Betsy Johnson bag was purchased it was the only one. Now, I have a bag I like with one wing and a hole. I can’t seem to take care of things I enjoy having. Oh, we did raid for another Pokemon and I didn’t get that one either.

What have a learned today:

  1. I need to keep tabs on the things I own.
  2. If something seems like it might need repairs, repair it the best you know how. You never know what’ll happen.
  3. Don’t use the things you love, keep them at home so it doesn’t get ruined.

If this happened on another day, I don’t think I would have reacted this way.

Good things that have happened today:

  • I caught got the Excellent throw needed to catch the Mew.
  • I caught the Mew.
  • I got myself a few things from Target from the dollar bins.
  • The weather was nice. Not too hot or cold. Just right.
  • Got to spend time with cousins and Stella.
  • Had pizza and my stomach doesn’t hurt.
  • There are still $90 hotel rooms at Disney World. (All Star movie)

I’m sad today. I’m not in a good mood. Nothing happened. It’s just one of those days that suck. I want to be left alone. I want someone to clean my room. I want some one to get this wine glass / art business going. I want someone to paint for me and finish organizing my desk. I want someone to take photographs of the glasses I have. I want people to buy the wine glasses. I want my self confidence to motivate me. I want to find something that motivates me to do more.

I want a lot of things to happen. I want everyday to be a happy and positive one. I want to be left alone but I want people around. Why does everything have to be so God damn hard and frustrating?

Today is not a good day. It could have gone well but it didn’t go that way. It could have ended on a good note if I had found the other wing…

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