Who needs to remember anyway?

My forgetfulness isn’t the same as your forgetfulness. Your absent mindedness isn’t the same as mine. I keep it to myself, or at least try to. When I’m talking about my memory or my emotional outbursts, someone tells me they understand because they have it too. I understand that people say what they say to […]

Oh Mylanta!

I was looking at the calendar to remind myself of what the week looked like. I thought I had written a post last week…but I didn’t. It felt like yesterday. When you hit 30, the days go by so much faster 🌝 lol. I’ve come to terms with myself. I don’t feel all that’s wrong […]

Happy New Year…!

Hey guys! Happy New Year! I hope everything starts the way you imagine/want and ends even better! I spent the last day of the year and start of the new year, at my friends, Chuck and Jeanine’s house. Had a good time, as always. This is what happens when you get older. You can’t do […]