I’ll be here

Looking within is hard. I get why majority of people tend to avoid it. It’s easier to ignore the little voice inside your head, I get it. To sit and think about your thoughts/feelings takes time. It takes you to be honest with yourself. If someone can’t be honest with themselves, how is someone going […]

Over thinking

I spent more money on Disney. It never ends… I got myself a t-shirt that has the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland on it. It’s a cute shirt. Its got the bright colors and its simple. Has the rabbit on it and says “Hold on while I over think this.” I bought it because, […]

Happy Fall 2019!

I sound like everyone else in the world when I say, Summer has come and gone before we know it. It’s already Fall! But it’s true! I didn’t get to enjoy the summer like I thought. There were a couple of BIG things that happened but it took up the summer. It’s interesting how those […]


Are we friends? Friendships are two sided, I’m aware of that. There are people that everyone values more than others and keeps contact. I know how this works; it’s been something that I’ve had experience in but apparently have to re-live it to properly remember. I believe I started writing about this in a previous […]

Re: Slow down

***Let’s go back to April 6, 2017. I didn’t have a post ready for this week so here’s an old one! Enjoy! Getting older is no joke. I now understand what the adults in my life meant when they said “don’t grow up” or “time flies” or “stop growing up.” Time, for real, speeds up […]